our stories

Where there is Habitat, transformation abounds! Families, volunteers, donors, partners, and staff have all been changed by the spirit of neighbour helping neighbour. 

Re-Inventing at ReStore

If you’ve ever visited ReStore and chatted about upcycling with a volunteer, you might have met Inez! Five years ago, Inez retired and was searching for somewhere to volunteer. When

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Unpacked for good: Rhea’s Story

How can we better support our kids to be confident and free to express themselves? Having the freedom to roam, make friendships and provide a safe and stable environment can transform hearts and minds. Rhea’s dream was for a home where her son and daughter could fully unpack without fear of moving and switching schools, and her life changed when she became a Habitat homeowner.

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Free to be me: Amanda’s Story

How are you living unboxed? The answer varies from person to person, but at Habitat for Humanity Edmonton, we believe that living unboxed means having the freedom and the space to do something new that you have always wanted to do. Starting a garden, travelling, decorating rooms without restrictions – anything is possible!

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Finding Home: Emerald’s Story

Have you ever had a Goldilocks moment when you stumble across something that feels just right? For Emerald, seeing her home for the first time was that moment. “It felt like a sign. For some reason, there’s a part of me that was drawn to the home, out of all the homes that were available at that time, there was something about that home when I walked in that felt like this is the home that I can raise my children in.”

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Team Bonding at ReStore

Habitat Edmonton volunteers speak highly about their time in ReStore, from the relationships they’ve made to the skills they’ve built. Travis Nowak, a former ReStore volunteer and staff member, also

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Emerald’s New Beginning

Life was about to change for Emerald and her son, Calem. Although her small apartment initially met her family’s needs, Emerald learned she was pregnant with her second son, Andre.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Jim

Habitat for Humanity came on Jim Matheson’s radar while living in Singapore, where he learned that student and teachers were building homes for widows in Cambodia. He admired Habitat’s impact

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Volunteer spotlight: Edgar

Meet Edgar, one of our wonderful ReStore volunteers! Although he has volunteered with Habitat Edmonton for 19 years, Edgar’s desire to help those in need began much earlier. Before Habitat,

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A new life in Neufeld Landing

In their cozy home in Habitat’s Neufeld Landing development, you can find Amanda and her daughter, Hailey-Lynn, relaxing. Since July 2022, Amanda has owned her own home, and she could

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Volunteer Spotlight: Paul

Paul is a talented and dedicated volunteer who has supported Habitat Edmonton in many ways throughout the years. Paul began his journey with Habitat over five years ago while volunteering

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