Having spent 10 years with Evergreen Co-op as the Rocky Mountain House Hardware Manager, Jason Stewart has been a long-time supporter and donor to Habitat for Humanity through Federated Co-operatives Limited and Sherwin-Williams’ “Communities in Color” program and Evergreen Co-op’s Home Centre. By donating paint and other building materials to various builds, Jason believes in supporting causes such as Habitat Edmonton’s mission of providing affordable homeownership opportunities to deserving families because of the long-lasting impact he and his organization can make to families that need it the most.
When Jason attended a home dedication ceremony on behalf of his organization, Jason was able to see first hand the difference Evergreen Co-op’s support of Habitat made to Samantha, a single mother, and her two daughter’s lives in 2020. “It was a heartwarming, humbling and special experience. I felt lucky to be apart of that key ceremony and seeing the smiles on these two young children – both of who had their bedrooms and space for the first time.” Jason goes on to describe in detail how this young family was visibly overcome with joy and a sense of pride for this incredible milestone of receiving their very own during a time of such uncertainty in the midst of the pandemic. “It was a burst of positivity that we all needed during that time. A truly unforgettable experience that continues to remind me why it is that I support Habitat and the families you serve”.
By partnering up with Habitat for Humanity Edmonton, Jason strongly believes that he and his organization are making a real difference in people’s lives, and will continue to support our mission, along with local women’s shelters. An alignment of Evergreen Co-op and Habitat Edmonton’s values has led to a truly incredible partnership that has seen many families’ lives changed through affordable homeownership.
“Habitat [Edmonton] should be incredibly proud of the work that you do. [Celebrating] thirty years is a major milestone by any measure. Without the dedication of every staff member from the highest to the most entry level position, every volunteer, donor and even the families that you serve all that you have achieved would not be possible. Congratulations on finding what works for you and running a well oiled machine that provides joy and independence to families that otherwise would not have been able to do so on their own.”
For more insights on Evergreen Co-op’s relationship with Habitat for Humanity, watch Jason’s interview.
To discuss an in-kind donation, or if you have questions, please contact us.